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Please enter the exact username for your profile on
Geocacher's Real Name
For team or joint geocaching accounts, use the primary or responsible party’s name.
For a team or joint geocaching account, list the names of other members who completed this GeoTrail.
Are you a member of GeocacheAlaska! Inc.?
Your email will only be used to contact you if we have questions about your completion of the GeoTrail or your Geocoin order.
Used for demographic purposes only
We have a Wall of Fame on our website. Would you like us to add your geocaching handle, name, and/or location to our Wall?

Please provide feedback on the KMTA GeoTrail:

This is demographic information about visitors to the KMTA National Heritage Area. A summary of this information, separated from your personal identification, will be provided to KMTA management in an annual report.
Did you spend any money in any of these communities along the GeoTrail?

Use the fields below to provide feedback to the KMTA GeoTrail team.